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MEGABASS - wędki wędeczki ja was wszystkie...

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#341 ONLINE   Guzu



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Napisano 31 październik 2016 - 17:41

Tu masz podobny film :) 




Zastrzegam, nie jestem bassem, byc moze dlatego nie dostrzegam niczego wyjatkowego w pracy tego woblera.

Pomozecie dostrzec ? 


#342 OFFLINE   Meme



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Napisano 31 październik 2016 - 17:52

Zastrzegam, nie jestem bassem, byc moze dlatego nie dostrzegam niczego wyjatkowego w pracy tego woblera.

Pomozecie dostrzec ? 


Daniel, bo raczej nic wyjątkowego w nich nie ma :) ot kawałek plasticu jak każdy inny :) Swoje możliwosci do odskoków prawo lewo pokazują przy jerkowaniu, ale są inne tańsze propozycje które pracują bardzo podobnie, wspomniany wczesniej pointer :) 

#343 OFFLINE   BazyL



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Napisano 31 październik 2016 - 17:53

niczego wyjątkowego w porównaniu z czym ? z innymi jerkbait minnows ?

#344 ONLINE   Guzu



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Napisano 31 październik 2016 - 18:05

niczego wyjątkowego w porównaniu z czym ? z innymi jerkbait minnows ?



W porownaniu z Rapala HJ, Salmo Sting, ze wymienie pierwsze dwa woblery, ktore mi do glowy przyszly.


Mam kilka wabikow Megabassa - Prop Darter Minnow czy  Griffony.  Sa wyjatkowe. A przynajmniej ja nie znam innych wabikow o podobnych charaktersytykach.


Bez prowokacji chcialem sie dowiedziec o wyjatkowosc tego wabika z linku.

  • Paavo lubi to

#345 OFFLINE   rothen



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Napisano 31 październik 2016 - 18:11

Mam poprzedni model f6-69x - Super Destroyer .Siła moc okrutna.U mnie ogarnia od Slidera 10 po Sweepera 17 z Ryogą 1016HL.Jak dla mnie szybki i sztywny kij na ciężko pod gumy koguty czy wspomniane jerki.Podobną akcję wędziska miałem z Xzogą 8 kg.
U mnie szklak DESTROYER TOMAHAWK F4-610GT3R SHIRYU 6'1" 3/8-1oz 8-22Lb niesamowity.Ciężka wędka ale ładowanie i pod rybą bajka.Kto nie miał niech żałuje :)

Użytkownik rothen edytował ten post 31 październik 2016 - 18:15

  • Meme, BOB i MarcinZet lubią to

#346 OFFLINE   BazyL



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Napisano 31 październik 2016 - 18:33

nie do końca rozumiem co Oneten ma wspólnego np. z Salmo Sting


Oneten to wzór (dosłownie - dla innych producentów) pracy jerk and stop, naturalne wyważenie ze zwisającą głową i niepowtarzalne (niemonotonne) odejścia na boki w czasie podszarpywania

Użytkownik BazyL edytował ten post 31 październik 2016 - 18:34

  • Guzu i MarcinZet lubią to




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Napisano 31 październik 2016 - 18:54

I ja się zastanawiałem, co takiego ma w sobie ten kawałek plastiku (Vision Oneten) w maju tego roku, kiedy łowiliśmy w płytkim jeziorze. Na łodzi było nas trzech. Jeden z nas miał ten wobler i łowił dwa razy więcej niż my dwaj w sumie :huh: . Teraz i ja go mam. Połowiłem w sierpniu na Żarnowcu przy słabym żerowaniu jak i na szkierach w październiku. Kawałek plastiku ....? i do tej pory nie kumam o co chodzi :P  :D

#348 OFFLINE   MarcinZet



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Napisano 31 październik 2016 - 21:17

I ja się zastanawiałem, co takiego ma w sobie ten kawałek plastiku (Vision Oneten) w maju tego roku, kiedy łowiliśmy w płytkim jeziorze. Na łodzi było nas trzech. Jeden z nas miał ten wobler i łowił dwa razy więcej niż my dwaj w sumie :huh: . Teraz i ja go mam. Połowiłem w sierpniu na Żarnowcu przy słabym żerowaniu jak i na szkierach w październiku. Kawałek plastiku ....? i do tej pory nie kumam o co chodzi :D

Prawda? Też to przeszedłem. I mam ten kawałek plastiku.

Wysłane z mojego SM-G935F przy użyciu Tapatalka
  • BOB lubi to




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Napisano 31 październik 2016 - 22:36

"jerk and stop" -  B) 


do tego lotność, bardzo fajnie się zatrzymuje i pochyla:)) co imituje naturalne ruchy, wykonanie/barwy. Mi bardzo przypasowały ITO SHINNER - bardzo bardzo daleko fruwają i świetnie pracują 

#350 ONLINE   Guzu



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Napisano 01 listopad 2016 - 14:13

Bardzo dziękuję za cierpliwość i wyjaśnienia.

Nie zdarza mi sie obecnie lowic w takich okolicznościach.
Ale będę miał w pamięci Wasze pozytywne opinie

  • MarcinZet lubi to




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Napisano 01 listopad 2016 - 15:59

Nie od dziś wiemy, że jak bierze to na woba za 7.99 i za 109.99 tak samo. To jest tak samo jak ze sprzętem, np - kupujemy Megabass IS lub IP zamiast Abu lub Tatuli...
Każdy kupuje to co komu pasuje we własnym zakresie.
Ja stawiam na te droższe bo po prostu są lepsze i fajniejsze:). Wolę mniej a konkretniej...
  • Guzu i gaweł lubią to

#352 OFFLINE   Meme



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Napisano 07 listopad 2016 - 17:35

Troche o megabass...


Since 1986, had been sold in the Megabass rod called ARMS, discontinued in 1992, then was released is the Destroyer.


In systems that are representative of the phase one of the original, patented in 1997 and 2001.
"Components, graphite frame construction system".

By connecting the carbon pipe Oimoto high elasticity of nearly the same diameter as the inner diameter of the reel seat to enhance the rigidity around the grip, the center axis of the blank is not shifted in years of use
when the fight, to stabilize the grip that is because there is no creep in when cast. In addition, it is the structure of the sensitivity can be adjusted using a position echoed by inserting a blank space.

First, which had been joined using a slightly smaller diameter carbon pipe length from the tip to the end blanks fore grip, than Gurakonpo joining method of Blanks is dependent on the age, from model year 2000, carbon block change in three-point support from the model in 2004 and became a further two-point support.

In addition, the racing condition has been used in conjunction with the following Parakonpo, to Gurakonpo a thick pipe round of blanks, are joined in the reel seat Parakonpo around the thick pipe further.
There is also a model called Cynara itself to Gurakonpo using medium-and low-elasticity carbon pipe for addition, corruption is easier to load is concentrated at the junction With the development of high elasticity of the blank, using a carbon pipe and high elasticity. Here, has been adopted in order to take advantage of the regulation of sensitivity using the space echo rather than a strengthening of the surface stiffness. (Such as ARMS COMPLETE)

head locking system

In systems that are representative of the original Phase 2, 2001, 2003, patented in 2007 obtain a utility model right, 2001, in 2003.
In order to increase the support rigidity of the structure of the fore grip reel seat when using a type of FP, the tip of the fore grip the winding check of the same inner diameter and outer diameter of the winding type checking Gurakonpo or Lipstick, are subjected to butt section prevent the eccentricity of the fore grip attached to increase the support rigidity.

Is also effective to accelerate the transmission of vibration by contact with water proof function and in the grip, winding check in or check Gurakonpo of the winding of the fore grip and butt. Is introduced into the F4-60XGti Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) first, and then, which was introduced in earnest after Phase 2.

In Megabass of structure has been supported by a metal bezel carved with aluminum mono-block of the support point to 7 point 6 the winding type checking lipstick called IHLS and (ito head locking system) and the latter are subjected to the unit bat should be noted refers to.

Because it can increase the support rigidity of the fore grip around, you can waste a part of Gurakonpo fore, lead to weight reduction.
Some models also up-lock reel seat equipped with a spinning model is also present in the model serves as a hook keeper to let IHLS It should be noted. Here, patented in 2005, in 2003, registered utility model right have been.

shaft locking system

In systems that are representative of the original Phase 3, was introduced as a third-generation construction shaft locking Megabass. Registered utility model right in 2008. That of the head of the reel seat locking system other than the so-called type FP was first Parallel Components frames" the official name patented in 2003.

The system was introduced from Evu~orujion (Evoluzion), when using a blank-through structure is a system that blocks gap junction carbon into the pipe of the same diameter as the inner diameter of the reel seat to nearly reel seat portion. Never shifts the center axis of the blanks in the same years of use and Gurakonpo.
In the Destroyer has been adopted from the original Phase 2 except for the part, has been adopted THP, also racing condition.

aluminum carbon thermal spray aluminum, aluminum cowl shield

Some covered with aluminum pipe for later Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) Dti, increase the rigidity of the separate parts of the structure of the rod blank through. Phase 2 is being used as they sprayed aluminum coating to separate part of the blank does not cover the pipe. Patented in 2003.

It's also possible to do that by adjusting the sensitivity can be used as a blank space echoes the gap between the pipe and aluminum.

Thermal spraying, and later in the rod of aluminum cowl THP is the aluminum has been used to separate part of the aluminum shield blank In Phase 2, the original in the first Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) DTi.

slant bridge

In the rear grip for easy-to-long structure is tangled in the sleeve or when the cast, it was difficult to put an extension grip tangled What was offset grip around the end. Patented in 2002.

ARMS reel seat

Published a concept model of ARMS in the fishing show "Arms gripping ergonomic concept" official name in 2002. It had been used when it is a reel seat ARMS. It was actually commercialized Destroyer is from the original Phase 2 in 2004. Registered utility model right in 2003.


Of the spinning reel seat has been adopted from the original Phase 2 Destroyer. Patented in 2005. [22] registered utility model right in 2004.

ARMS stealth fit reel seat

Phase 3 was also adopted in the original Destroyer in the reel seat had been employed to ARMS Complete. Registered utility model right, 2006.

taper variable

Those that are employed in the original and Tomahawk series in, when the rod bends, there is no place to stress concentration, inflection point for the move is carried out smoothly until the bat, which prevents me. However, there is a third-party feel and softer than the rod, because it is equipped with this.

end balancer

In order to get the balance of the rod, which served as the bat emblem balancer is installed. In the Destroyer of the initial rod, such as intensive rubber jig, the pump retrieve is to face the above tip, the rod, such as intensive Carolina rig, split shot rig had been setting so that the downward tip.
In addition, according to the change of balance changes or blank material, the thickness varies depending on age and size of production. Patented in 1997.

material blank


Winding the innermost layer as the main material 40 tons of carbon high elasticity in the material had been employed to model year to 98 in 1996 of a phase, at that time there were many manufacturers use the reinforcement of the bat, reinforced with carbon plain weave of 1K more The carbon material.


Material had been employed in part of carbon model 2001 to 2003 of Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) and up model - 2002 99 Phase 1, except for some models, using 50 tons of carbon high elasticity, with carbon plain weave of 1K more reinforced carbon material.


2003 Phase 1 material, material has been adopted in the carbon part of the model in 2004 and Phase 2, THP, of Evu~orujion (Evoluzion), raised the rate of carbon-containing HT1000X above 50 tons.


Material has been adopted to F3-610DGS of Orochi huge contact, it is based on HT800X.


Material has been adopted in part of carbon since the 2005 model Jade Python series Pagani graphite, Tomahawk GTC, Phase 2 racing condition, of huge contact, Evu~orujion (Evoluzion), modulus of elasticity of different-shaped micro-fiber on top of the material low elasticity of carbon micro-pitch winding process. 2 racing condition phase, which is multi-plex based on the Hi10X GRAPHITE, GTC is to tag products, to racing condition notation of the material has been referred to as AIRTECH Hi-10X GRAPHITE each and blank Tomahawk GTC.


Material has been adopted in Phase 3, has been reinforced with carbon 4-axis cross on it and tighten up (formula XX) two micro carbon fiber in an oblique direction to the main axis 46 tons carbon cloth. And manufacturing method of Orochi X4 X4 GRAPHITE is almost the same.


Material has been adopted in Tomahawk GTZ, to drizzle Limited, part bat Zylon fiber composite is then. Limited is in the drizzle of the initials Z Z-PBO is used instead of the notation X model.


Material has been adopted to Orochi huge contact (except for the Jade Python series), which increase the torsional rigidity and tighten up the outer periphery of the blank with carbon tape. Representation model, DG initials of DNA GRAPHITE is used.


What materials have been adopted to peak performance, torsional rigidity up and tighten up the outer periphery of the blank with carbon tape, reinforced with Kevlar fabric unit further bat. Representation model, DG initials of DNA GRAPHITE is used.


Material has been adopted to Orochi X4, reinforced with woven carbon rod axis from 4 to bat on it tightened in part (formula XX) 2-axis micro carbon fiber in an oblique direction. X4 representation model is used.


Material has been adopted to finesse a series of real hedgehog, have put the metal to the carbon coating low elasticity. Representation R of the initial model of RARE METAL is used.


S glass material using a glass model has been adopted in all of the F4-66GT3R of the model and year to 1997 Tomahawk GT3 Tomahawk 96.


Is the composite material (the elastic standard) to 24 tons of carbon a generic part of T-GLASS bat above material has been adopted in the model years 2005 to 2006 and later model year 98 and GT3 Tomahawk.

• UD (uni-direction) FIBER GLASS

Material has been adopted since the 2007 model of GT3 and the F3-58TXS of Tomahawk, which was using the material of only the vertical direction, (the elastic standard) 24 tons a generic model except the all-glass models of F4-66GT3R of GT3 that the carbon composite.


Material has been adopted to Tomahawk GTA, the Zylon fiber composite material glass was part of the bat.

• HT1000X GRAPHITE + Transgenic Titanium

Model has been adopted in 2001 to 2003 of Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) Gti. Material reinforced with titanium over to Berry from bat to HT1000X graphite. Representation is attached Gti model of Graphite Titanium.

• Hi-10X GRAPHITE + Transgenic Titanium

Model has been adopted in 2004 Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) Gti. Material reinforced with titanium over to Berry from bat to Hi-10X graphite.

• MULTIPLEX GRAPHITE + Transgenic Titanium

2005 and later model Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) Gti, has been adopted in the huge Jade Python F3 • 1/2-70XSGti contact. Material reinforced with titanium over to Berry from bat to multiplex graphite.

• HT1000X GRAPHITE + Transgenic Full-Titanium

Model has been adopted in 2001 to 2003 of Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) Fti. Material reinforced with full-length to HT1000X graphite titanium. Representation of the model is attached Fti Full Titanium.

• Hi-10X GRAPHITE + Transgenic Full-Titanium

Model has been adopted in 2004 Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) Fti. Material reinforced with titanium in the full-length Hi-10X graphite.

• MULTIPLEX GRAPHITE + Transgenic Full-Titanium

Has been adopted since the 2005 model of Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) Fti, material reinforced with titanium full-length.

• DNA Double Helix Titanium

Material has been adopted in F1-63XPDti Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) Dti, the Pagani graphite, which then arranged in a double helix titanium. Dti stick model representation.


Material has been adopted Evu~orujion (Evlouzion) hedgehog, to contact Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) Orochi huge, there are arranged in a double helix to the rare metal titanium carbon low elastic
Series List

Is a carbon rod was used in a series of main high elasticity of Destroyer. The series was originally trumpeting rigidity, the rod began to change in tone over more sensitive, than 99 years.

Phase 1

Model year 96-97

The earliest model of the Destroyer. So that it can be used well in the tournament of the United States, strengthening a sense of rigidity, such as following thorough has been promoted.
• Using a variable taper using the material of the blank HT800X tenacious, turn to bat supple, has been finished in a rich tones.
• The grip strength carbon has raised almost the same diameter pipe high elasticity of the inner diameter of the reel seat, in the frame to increase rigidity graphical components to bat from the tip of the fore-end grip.
• All models are equipped with a bait to double foot guide to all models except for the F3-61X.
• Gold Cermet guides to the top ring is used to prevent cracking or crush the guide ring such as boat slip, also involving the lure too.
• The blank is subjected to a clear coat of green paint to prevent scratches.
• The thread guide to root portion is bent so as to correspond to the distal end portion, in order to increase the strength of thick thread twist direction (green) has been used, a thin thread (black)
• To use a liquid crystal coating thread sticky coat.

Also has become a "CUSTOM TECHNOLOGY MEGABASS" in the model 1997 is a part cosmetics unlike in the model 1997 and model 1996 has become a part of the logo is a model in 1996 and "MEGABASS TECHONOLOGY TO CUSTOM", Destroyer logo enters at the bottom right of the logo of Megabass.
The initial model F1-60X, F2-57X, F3-63X, F4-66X, F4-71X, F3-61X, F5-510X, F5-66X, F6-69X, F0-61XS, F0-68XS, F2-64XS , 14 models of F3-59XS, F3-610XS.
Was changed to F1-61XS is F0-61XS further later in the year 96. (Also change subname)

• 98 model years

The following points have been improved to reduce the weight, and more supple.
• Change to a single foot guide during the berry from the tip.
• With the above, also re-designed blanks. (F5-66X, F3-610XS is change also subname)
• Was only coat of matte black paint to paint, change the coating, and more lightweight.
• UV coating the coating changes to the thread.
Cosmetics in part, changed to a decal on a flat surface of the reel seat also add a finish to the color of Swedish Danish Birdeye reel seat.

• 99 model years

Stickiness of conventional rod of tone-oriented will be carried over to the high elasticity of Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) mosquito tone is now being carried over from this model.

• A material change to HT1000X blanks. (Because originally released performance of high elasticity has not been recognized in the market, the notion of blanks are still in the HT800X, it has been correctly changed the notation is from it in 2001)
• Change the design of the bat emblem.
• Has been changed to purple thread of silver also change from thick to thin the thread of things green threads also, had been placed between the black and green. [6]
• Since this model was the model and modify additional subname came to be written in print (only F5-66X in 1998. Has been written in an exceptionally print)
Add F2-66X, F3-55X, F6-67X, F1-67XS, F2-62XS, F3-64XS. Modifier is F4-71X, F3-610XS.
In addition, the production of (F3-610XS, F5-510X) gambler collaboration model that contains the logo of the gambler boat gambler as a purchase bonus.

• 2000 model year

• Balance around the grip is reviewed, the bonding method of Gurakonpo, the weight of the balancer (thickness from 2mm to 3.5mm) has been changed.
• UV coating is peeling from that many, Liquid Crystal back to the traditional court.
Add (U.S. only) F0-60X, F4-60X, F5-62X, F7-711X. Modify the F4-63X, F4-66X, F6-69X. Limited release pattern is a model of wood reel seat locks De~yuraiku model of pattern, of F4-63X is reel seat of F0-60X, F4-71X.

• Model 2001 to 2002

• Material change to HT1000X notation are written in blank.
• Changed to something more small diameter around the tip guide.
• Change the material of the thread.
• HT1000X mosquito is F0-60X was not until then lend HT1000X.

Cosmetic changes in part to "MEGABASS Original" character "MEGABASS CUSTOM" of the bat reel seat and emblem.
MEGABASS model 2002 decals in the model using the reel seat part TCS, of IPS, has been stretched to reel seat has been changed three-dimensional type.
Add F4-62XS in 2001, change the subname modifier, the F3-55X, F2-66X the F3-64X.
To modify the F7-711X in 2002 and started selling in Japan. Released (F0-60X, F2-66X, F4-66X, F6-69X, F3-59XS, F4-62XS) 100th anniversary of the pro shop Sansui model.

• 2003 model

• A material change to Hi10X blanks. Gurakonpo structure is fragile because too much of a burden on the junction, F2-62XS, F2-64XS is Gurakonpo has been discontinued (except for the F-060X, F4-71X, F7-711X) for this purpose.

Limited models have been released from June to August, then, has been mass-produced. Limited models are winding check and balancer is turned pink.
Add the F7-72X, F7-77X. Modify the F2-62XS, F2-64XS.

Phase 2

Models from 2004 to 2006

Model of a minor phase initially appeared there was virtually a full model change. Bait model except F-060X, F4-71X, F7-711X, F7-72X, F7-77X is Gurakonpo has been discontinued. (The reason, as well as spinning and some models of the previous year). IHLS has been introduced instead.
Parakonpo, to separate the carbon portion of welding aluminum is being used. The reel seat Arms bait reel seat model, the spinning was changed to ISFH.
Top guide will change to SiC ring.
In 2005 was over Hi10X is F-060X, F4-71X, F7-711X has not been over Hi10X until then.
2006 released Traditional Art Limited. Illustrations have been placed in four models of F0-68XS, F1-61XS, F2-64XS, F3-64XS.
Add F1-51X, F3-63X, F3-610X, F5-58X, F1-63XS in 2004. Was out of print is F3-61X. Also released the F3-610XS SWF for use in France. [33]
Add F4-68X, F5-59X, F6-68X, F2-611XS, F3-69XS in 2005. Was discontinued for the transition to contact is huge F3-610XS.

• Models from 2007 to 2009

THP minor change to the (technical handling package) is a non-bait model F0-60X, F1-51X, F4-71X, F5-510X, F5-62X, F7-711X. Thermal spraying of aluminum to carbon Parakonpo is plain weave carbon pipe, aluminum cowl was changed to a separate part of the carbon aluminum thermal spraying.
Out of print is F1-60X, F2-57X, F2-66X, F3-610X, F4-63X, F3-55X in 2007.
In 2009, Out of Print is F0-60X, F1-51X, F4-71X, F5-510X, F5-62X.

• - 2010

Add F3-63X, F4-68X, F5-68X, F6-69X, F7-711X, F2-62XS, F3-59X, F4-62XS, the racing version condition. Blanks are changed to high-impact multi-plex. Head locking system also abolished with the repeal fore grip. Gurakonpo revival instead. (Diameter is considerably narrower for Parakonpo however be used in conjunction with)
Reel seat is abolished ISFH sheet of Arms and until then, you are using ACS of Fujikogyo, the VSS.
Add F5-72XRC, to F3-68XRC, to F4-68XRC, to F5-68XRC, to F6-69XRC, to F7-711X FX-711XRC is F5-68X is F6-69X is F4-68X is F3-63X is , the F2-610XSRC, to F3-511XSRC, add a version made F4-68XSRC is F4-62XS is F3-59X is F2-62XS.
A limited release (F3-68XRCM, F4-68XRCM, F5-68XRCM) Milan model to some red decorations in 2010.

Phase 3

- 2011

Full model change for the first time in 15 years. In the model was carried out, the blank is employed (formula XX) micro carbon fiber diagonal carbon + 4-axis to the main material to 46 tons of carbon, has been introduced in the X4 that.

Bait to reel seat stealth ARMS model fit reel seat had been used to ARMS Complete has been used, some model SK sheet has been adopted. Spinning models have adopted the VSS. Junction with the reel seat is part of Norizu Roadrunner structure and are aiming to roll thick lightweight carbon as Bray dead. (Conventional and Gurakonpo. Which is separate from but in the Megabass graphics component is called Stage 3)

Shaft locking system has been introduced in all models other than the F6-67X, F7-77X, FX-711X.
2011, adding F2-60X, F3-67X, F5-70X, F-2 • 1/2-710XS, the F5-68XS, the F3-68X, the F4-62X, F5 is F4-60X is F3-63X -66X to F5-69X, the FX-711X, is changed to F2-66XS is F2-62XS is F7-711X. F4-68X, F5-68X, F5-69X, F6-68X, F7-72X, F1-61XS, F1-63XS, F1-67XS, F2-64XS, F2-611XS, F3-59XS, F3-64XS, F3- Out of print but 69XS, F4-62XS.
2012 released a limited edition F-2 • 1/2-710XS Carrozzeria Limited.


Cranking rod using a glass material. Also appeared not using a glass rod after.

• 1996-1997

Gurakonpo has not been equipped with a glass rod using a T, but otherwise conform to the specifications of each Oridesu of age.
The initial model 4 models of F4-59T, F4-64T, F4-67T, F4-70T.

• Model years from 1998 to 2004

In each year except in 2004 which adopted the TX model glass, conform to the specifications of the Oridesu. (Except around Gurakonpo)
1999, add the F3-58TXS.
2001, modify the F4-59TX.
2006, reprinted limit the F3-58TXS.


• 2005 model

A full model change, Arms reel seat, which adopted the same as phase 2 IHLS. Color of the hood of chrome reel seat.
In 2005, all out of print except for F4-70, add the F3-63GT3, F4-66GT3, F4-610GT3.

• 2006 model year

F4-66GT3R models other than changes in the color of the hood matte black reel seat.
2006, released the F4-66GT3R (All glass model of F4-66GT3) and F4-66GT3R (spiral guide model of F4-66GT3). How to recognize is the all-glass spiral model guide model, if the red color of the blank is visible from the space of reel seat if Black Arms.

• Models from 2007 to 2008

Material changes to the UD glass blank. In terms of cosmetics, we shortened the fore grip. [25]
In 2007, Out of Print is F4-66GT3R (spiral guide model of F4-66GT3).

• 2009 model year

Have been difficult without the coating of the reel seat slip.
In 2009, Out of Print is F4-66GT3.
2010, limited release the F4-66GT3 C-LTD illustration of the tiger has entered F3-63GT3 C-LTD illustration of the lion has entered the F3-63GT3, the F4-66GT3.


• - 2010

Material of the bat was changed from carbon to perform a full model change Zylon again. Reel seat has been changed to ACS of Fujikogyo. Has been changed to the shaft locking system from IHLS.
2010, all out of print and non-F4-70, add the F4-68GTA.
2011, limited release the F4-711GTA.

GTC2006 to 2008

Pure carbon rod in the model that is derived from the F3-610X of Oridesu, do not use a glass material.
2006, is released F3-65GTC, F3-610GTC, F4-67GTC.


• Years 2009 to 2010

Successor model of the GTC. Has achieved a further stickiness has been the Zylon composite bat in the main part of the carbon material. Has been changed to the shaft locking system from IHLS.

2009, is released F3-610GTZ, F4-70GTZ, F4-72GTZ.


Finesse rod of ultra-destination tone adopted the stinger tip. Solid tip has been adopted for tubular tip dare without sacrificing the sensitivity becomes. St after the display is attached to the force of the model number. F3st-63X models other than the limited series was reprinted Although this was supposed abolition in 2009.

• Models from 2002 to 2004

The blank material used has been kept is HT1000X, that are compliant with Oridesu other.
Model, three models of F3st-63X, F4st-61XS, F5st-60XS.

• Model years 2005 to 2009

A material change to Hi10X blanks. Arms reel seat, IHLS is mounted in the same manner as in Phase 2 of the original. However, unlike phase 2, Gurakonpo has been adopted on an ongoing basis.
2008, but discontinued F3st-63X.
2010, a limited release F3st-63X C-LTD illustrations of the button enters the F3st-63X.

real finesse

Series using a rare metal carbon low elasticity. Gurakonpo of rare metal graphite frame has been adopted. Launch in 2004. (Out of print 2009)

2003, is released F1st-66RS, F2st-65RS. 2010, a limited release F2st-65RS C-LTD has entered the picture of a fan F2st-65RS.

Light rig using a solid rod tip launched in 2007. XK is attached to the model number. Shaft locking system has been adopted for the first.

, 2007, release is F0-63XKS, F1-62XKS, F1-69XKS. 2012, is released F2-610XKS.

Zylon composite model. Launched in 2007. ZK is attached to the model number.

, 2007, release F1-66ZKS.

Development will start from 2002 Big bait called that was prevalent place, such as lure for Muskie and Swimbait, was originally released a huge contact series and against the giant fish in heavy cover and big bait, compared to other companies because it was lagging behind significantly, after all, and apart from Evu~orujion series, you change the route as a series of stickiness in tone was determined by using the carbon elastic medium and high carbon material.

To (DG series so-called) have adopted the DNA torsional rigidity enhanced graphite tighten up like a huge X in the carbon tape contact and peak performance.

2005 to 2007

Series for targeting large fish, taking into account such as the use of flip heavy cover, the big bait.

2005, is released F5-70DG, F6-72DG, F7-74DG, F8-78DG, F7-69DG, F3-610DGS.
2009, limited release the F3-610DGS-LTD.

Contact Jade huge python

Series with an emphasis on portability and one-half. Adopt a multi-plex graphite.

2007, is released F5-711X, F4-74XS.
Peak performance

Model 2007 to 2010

In the catch copy of "reincarnation of the original Destroyer Phase 1 the first of the year 1996", initially, but appeared as a series cheaper version lowered the costs to divert the part of the rod of the other, integrated with the huge contact in 2008, and Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) series was shifted to the series to achieve a certain tone of feeling another sticky. Increase the torsional rigidity and tighten up like a huge X as well as contact with carbon tape, some fabric and Kevlar composite further part bat.

2007, is released F3-65DG, F4-65DG, F5-65DG.
2008, is released F2-64DG, F4-69DG, F5-69DG, F5-70DG, F6-72DG, F1-65DGS, F2-70DGS, F3-610DGS.


"Phase one is Oridesu, Revives" series using the X4 graphite was used to catch a 4-axis woven carbon copy. Being developed around the professional in the United States.

Year 2010, F3-68X4, F4-66X4, F4 • 1/2-70X4, F5-68X4, F6-68X4, F6-72X4, FX-711X4, FX-81X4Ltd, F1-66X4S, F1-70X4S, F2-68X4SII is released.
2011, add the F6-71X4, FX70X4S, F3-610X4S, the retail version of FX-81X4LTD, is released FX-81X4.
Year 2012, F2 • 1/2-64X4, F3 • 1/2-66X4, is released F4-68X4S, F5-70X4S.

Black Jungle

- 2012

For power fishing rod with a carbon shaft 4 in the successor model of huge contact Orochi. BJ's model number is that of the black jungle.

Year 2012, F5-71XBJ, F6-70XBJ, F6 • 1/2-74XBJ, F8 • 1/2-710XBJ, is released F10-76XBJ.

Evu~orujion (Evoluzion)

Oridesu than 1999, and was developed by the rod of tone stickiness new for the user in order to adopt the 50 tons of carbon, and went to change to tone hung more, tune stickiness until it was like this series is Evu~orujion. [28] blanks are titanium is being used. Dti arranged in a spiral titanium Ti model employs a titanium straight, pull out the stickiness in the elasticity of titanium (Gti old, Fti) and, more rigid enhanced further by using a titanium has a high elasticity close to the original sense there is a model. [35]
The first generation [edit]

Model 2001 to 2003

Graphite is the main part using the HT1000X.
Fore grip is adopted as an open bezel.
Gti, Fti model notation was Xti.
Tuned by ito logo near the grip end is red.

Release F1 • 1/2-63XGti, F3 • 1/2-63XGti, the F5-510XGti, F5 • 1/2-68XFti in 2001.
Add F4-62XDti, F4-65XDti, F4-610XDti in 2002.
2004 model year

Changes to the Hi-10X graphite parts. (Tag catalog items from 2004, model year 2004)
Gti, Fti model catalog and product tags, became Gti, in both notation notation Fti each blank.
Head locking system has become a new model to be adopted, in this model than the model modifier.

Add F3 • 1/2-59XSGti, F4-60XGti, F4 • 1/2-64XFti, the F1-63XSDti in November 2003.

Model 2005 to 2006

Changes to the multiplex graphite parts. Weight reduction, increased sensitivity, Halifax has become stronger for This allows a thin layer of wind has become possible to blank.
Tuned by Ito part Cosmetics logo near the end turned yellow grip.

Add F4-66XGti, F4 • 1/2-68XFti, the F3-66XDti in 2005. Modify the F5 • 1/2-68XFti. A limited release (pre-sale model F4-60XGti-RB) F5 • 1/2-68XFti-SB, F4-61XGti.
Modifier to F4 • 1/2-64XFti-SB F5-510XGti-SB, is F4 • 1/2-64XFti F4-60XGti-RB, is F5-510XGTi is F4-60XGti in 2006.

2007 model year

Initial model except the F5-510XGti, F4-62XDti were minor changes. Bait reel seat model has become unpainted.

2007, put the illustrations of modifier thunder, to F3 • 1/2-59XSGti F1 • 1/2-63XGti, F3 • 1/2-63XGti, F5 • 1/2-68XFti, the F4-65XDti, F4-610XDti limited release models. (Usually models), Out of Print is F1-63XSDti F3 • 1/2-59XSGti.

Second generation

Model 2008 - 2010

That had been restyled by the soaring prices of titanium in 2008. Gti, Fti series is integrated, and the Ti series. Ti series in order to make it lighter to use titanium thin diameter than the previous model, in relation to balance, and has abolished the carbon plain weave Kevlar was used in a conventional butt section. In addition, the finish was changed to zirconia powder from metal butterfly phosphorus paint finish is also part of the bat. In addition, the rear has been changed to cork grip. Other reel seat has been changed to the ACS as changes Ti, common Dti.

In 2008, but additional changes to the F3 • 1/2-68Xti F3 • 1/2-63XGti, F5 • 1/2-70Xti, the F5-69XDti, F4-60XGti, F5-510XGti, F4 • 1/2- Out of print but 68XFti, F4-62XDti. Limited release 777 limited edition adopted the ECS was to paint the reel seat.

2010, adding F5 • 1/2-77Xti. F4-66Xti-SB with a slant bridge to F4-66Xti, F5 • 1/2-68Xti and F1 • 1/2-63Xti-RB rifle equipped with a handle back to F1 • 1/2-63Xti, F5 • 1 / limited release a 2-68Xti-SB.


2011 model year

BIG TAPER series model change. Change to the shaft locking system IHLS.
Year 2011, F4-610XDti, F5 • 1/2-70Xti, F5 • 1/2-68Xti, F3 • 1/2-68Xti,, BIG TAPER model is restyled in F1 • 1/2-63Xti. F4-66Xti, F4 • 1/2-64Xti, F5 • 1/2-77Xti, Out of Print is F4-65XDti, F3-66XDti, F5-69XDti.

Evu~orujion (Evoluzion) Hedgehog

DNA micro-fiber model composite titanium (Dti) to finesse Real Hedgehog Series with Stinger tip to the rare metal carbon low elasticity.

Release is F4st-69RSDti in 2003. Minor change in 2009. Change the subname HEDGEHOG Evolution.
Evu~orujion Orochi [edit]
Orochi - huge Evu~orujion contact


Through in the first Megabass rod. Until then, had been No, no reasons have poor sensitivity, such as being blank diameter is thick, was finally released [3]. D is attached at the end of the model number.

2010, is released F2-70XSD, F3-710XSD.

Spinning rod for heavy cover of no sinker. Y is attached to the end of the model number of the Ya-Manba

F4-63XSY limited release is in 2009.
Cranking custom

Zylon cranking rod was used prior to the GTZ.

CF4-610Z is limited release in 2008.

Commemorate the opening of Megabass model concept shop "ROOT L". 3 model F4 • 1/2-67Xph OSIRIS, F4-69Xph EXCULIBUR, of F7-71Xph HECATONCHIRES have been released, the base model F4 • 1/2-68XFti, but is F4-610XDti, F7-72X (THP), respectively , you are one inch shorter for good without pretense. Ph after the model name is an acronym for PHISALIS It should be noted.


Graphite model described here is the same rules and model number is not a strictly Destroyer Destroyer series.
Pagani graphite

In the series that is derived from the rod for top water from Oridesu, multiplex material is being used. P is attached to the model number of Pagani.

Model 2005 to 2006

Seal between the hood of the sheet of cork fore grip, fore grip and decoration of the wide type of silver ring is subjected to the reel seat of woodgrain.

Release is F0-60XP, F1-60XP, F2-66XP 2005.

Models from 2007 to 2009

Change the color of the reel seat to marble. Decoration ring seal between the hood of the fore grip and the sheet was changed from normal to wide-type ring.

~ 2010 model year

Change to the fore grip metal head.
Pagani Air Bamboo

Rod for top water which adopted the reel seat of Daiwa Steez has been used to. Pagani bamboo stick PB initials of the model number.

2010, release is F0-61PB, F1-66PB.
2012, is released F1-63PB.

Miłego czytania :-)
  • MarcinZet lubi to

#353 OFFLINE   @Brig


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Napisano 07 listopad 2016 - 17:42

Michał zrozumiałem tylko początek i koniec.
Trochę o megabass i miłego czytania.
Proszę o opis w języku Polskim.
  • wiesławek i adam 13 lubią to

#354 OFFLINE   Meme



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Napisano 07 listopad 2016 - 18:28

Arek - w naszym rodzimym języku będzie w miedzy czasie, musisz być cierpliwy albo korzystać z google translator :)

#355 OFFLINE   @Brig


    Przedstawiciel marki KFP Watersports

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Napisano 07 listopad 2016 - 19:24

Całe życie człowiek musi się uczyć i głupi umiera :-)
  • BOB lubi to

#356 OFFLINE   MarcinZet



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Napisano 08 listopad 2016 - 20:09

Ktoś może się pochwalić kijkiem z nowego wypustu Destroyer? Ciekawy jestem, czy ktoś się skusił no i oczywiście czy się podzieli doświadczeniami.

#357 OFFLINE   Meme



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Napisano 08 listopad 2016 - 20:55

Chodzi Ci o serie z alconaitami ?

#358 OFFLINE   Meme



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Napisano 08 listopad 2016 - 20:56

Do mnie idzie f5-68x bandersnatch - ale Ty o tym wiesz :-) dam znać jak dojdzie i szybko opisze kij :)
Arek to moze być cos czego szukasz !!:-)
  • MarcinZet i @Brig lubią to

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Napisano 12 listopad 2016 - 00:49





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#360 OFFLINE   Zyga102



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Napisano 12 listopad 2016 - 19:38

A to nie bedzie sztywna pała ...25lb